servince learning
Honors education often celebrates leadership, especially leadership through service projects. By the century’s turn, service learning had become a national movement in college education. Already honors students at Iowa have contributed one of its major inventions, generating the 10,000 Hours Show as a device for motivating many students to volunteer community service in small amounts that can cumulate into important effects. For service to become service learning, though, there needs to be academically informed reflection on the experience.
There are two options for Honors students to receive experiential credit for their service learning experiences. If you are already in a volunteer position, skip to Option 2 and contact the Honors Program prior to beginning the Honors Reflection Process.
Option 1-- A S.H. CREDIT-BEARING SERVICE LEARNING COURSE: Register for a credit-bearing service learning course such as PHIL:3920 “Philosophy in Public” or the independent student course HONR:3150 “Honors Service Learning." Contact an advisor if you are unsure if your selected course qualifies as service learning.
Option 2 -- VOLUNTEER SERVICE: First, take stock of the supervised volunteer work you are already doing through student organizations, student government or other leadership or service on campus. If you are already engaged in service, please make sure your experience qualifies before you start the honors reflection process. If you do not already have a volunteer position, schedule a meeting with a volunteer advisor on MyUI or visit https://leadandserve.uiowa.edu/service/volunteer/ to learn more.