experiential coursework
While some experiential coursework listed is of interest to specific majors, others develop skills and offer opportunities that are broadly applicable.
Read course descriptions to explore honors experiential coursework offerings further.
Types of Experiential Coursework Include:
HONR Courses
Honors Writing Fellowship
Approved CLAS and UC Courses
Approved Tippie RISE Courses
Approved CEC Courses
HONR Courses
- HONR:3050 Honors Studies (1-3 credits per semester)
- HONR:3150 Honors Service Learning (1-3 credits per semester)
- HONR:3170 Honors Outreach Ambassadors (1-2 credits per semester)
- HONR:3210 Honors Policy Research Practicum (spring only) (1 credit per semester)
- HONR:3994 Honors Research Practicum (1-3 credits per semester)
- HONR:4990 Honors Thesis or Project (1-3 credits per semester)
Honors Writing Fellowship
Being an Honors Writing Fellow earns you up to 12 honors credits:
- 3 credits for HONR:3220 Honors Writing Fellows: Writing Theory & Practice
- 2 credits per semester serving as a Writing Fellow*
*Credits contingent upon completion of final Writing Fellows reflection assignment. Writing Fellows do not need to complete the Honors reflection process to receive credits.
Approved CLAS and UC Courses
*see "Research" tab above for another 33 experiential learning courses in research.
- BIOL:4898 Communicating Research (1 credit per semester)
- EDTL:4967 Integrated Disability Studies Practicum (2 credits)
- PHIL:3920: Philosophy in Public (2-3 credits)
- POLI:3001 Hawkeye Poll (3 credits)
- POLI:3127 Legislative Policy Seminar (fall only) (3 credits)
- POLI:3530 Diplomacy Lab (3 credits)
- PSY:3996 External Practicum in Psychology (1-3 credits per semester)
- RHET:2090 Conversation Practicum (3 credits per semester)
- RHET:2350 Forensic Rhetoric (3 credits per semester)
- RHET:4980 Special Projects for Undergraduates (Variable credit per semester)
- SPAN:3092 Spanish in the Community (3 credits)
- LATH:3000 Science Communication Skill Building (1 credit)
- LATH:3001 Latham Fellows: Science Outreach Project (2 credits)
- LS:1014 Pedagogy: Learning Environments
- LS:1024 Hawkeye Service Breaks (3 credits)
- LS:3002 Career Leadership Academy Part 2
- URES:3100 ICRU Research Ambassador (1 credit)
- URES:3995 ICRU Research Fellow (3 credits Fall/Spring, 5 credits Summer; applications due in March)
- WRIT:2100 Writing and Community Outreach (3 credits)