The primary purpose of Honors coursework is to be in classes with other honors students, to build community and learn from your peers.  For courses that do not have an honors option, a contract may be appropriate. Honors contracts can be a good option for courses in your major or minor to elevate the course content. 


A contract entails working directly with the instructor to create an additional project connected to the content of the course.

Student Responsibilities

As the student, you are expected to ensure full compliance with and understand the following terms of an honors contract:

  1. Students should not plan to use a contract when an honors section of the course is available.
  2. No more than 6 coursework credits can come from Honors contracts.
  3. The project description must provide a clear distinction between honors contract work and the work required for the course.
  4. The project description must contain an actionable timeline for the proposal, with built-in benchmarks.
  5. The honors contract must be evaluated as S/U. The honors contract project cannot affect the student's overall grade in the course. 
  6. Students must submit the required form through MyUI to earn honors credit.
  7. Check your Workflow to ensure form has been submitted and approved by your instructor.
  8. Students must submit their completed project to the professor according to the timeline laid out in the project description.
  9. Two weeks before the end of the semester, the listed instructor will receive an email asking them to mark you contract as complete or incomplete in workflow.
  10. Students must earn a B- or better in the class in order for the honors designation to be valid.
  11. Within 4 weeks of the semester ending, your course should appear on your honors degree audit for credit under Honors Coursework.

Contracts that do not meet the above criteria will be voided.

Note: Instructors have the right to decline a contract request. Some departments and colleges (e.g. Nursing) may have additional policies which apply.

The Honors Contract Form will be available beginning the first day of the semester on MyUI under Student Information > Courses & Grades. You will also be able to access it here.

How to Submit an Honors Contract Form:

Students must submit contract forms on MyUI within the first six weeks of the fall or spring semesters. Check deadlines HERE.

  1. Ask your instructor if they'd be willing to do an honors contract with you.
  2. Discuss and agree on your project proposal and timeline for completion. Be sure your instructor approves this before you submit!
  3. Fill out the Honors Contract Form on MyUI (you can find the form under Student Information > Courses & Grades)
  4. Check your form has been submitted on Workflow under "My Initiated Packages." See more instructions here.

It is the student's responsibility to communicate with their professor and ensure both instructor approval forms are completed. 

Once a student submits a contract request via MyUI, the instructor is alerted via email.

Two weeks prior to the end of the semester, an additional form is sent to the instructor to confirm if the project was completed to their satisfaction.