Meet the Publications Team
Honors Students Writers and Editors

Holly Blosser Yoder
Holly serves as the advisor to the student editors and writers who produce the Honors Newsletter, Alumni Connection and many articles on the program blog. A writer with an interest in history and culture. Holly is the author of The Same Spirit: History of Iowa-Nebraska Mennonites.

Hannah Cargo
Hannah is a fourth-year student from the Dallas–Forth Worth area in Texas. She is majoring in creative writing and environmental planning and enjoys her time in Iowa. Hannah hopes to make the world a better place (and maybe have some fun while doing it).

Colin Votzmeyer
Colin is a fourth-year student from Mount Prospect, Illinois, majoring in journalism and mass communications with minors in history and law. Upon graduation he will attend law school with ambitions of becoming a federal prosecutor.

Cheryl Brown
Cheryl Brown is a first-year honors student majoring in English and creative writing. She’s passionate about storytelling, particularly in the sci-fi and fantasy genres, and is interested in pursuing a career in publishing.

Teagan Harris
Teagan Harris is a second-year honors student studying biomedical sciences on the pre-medicine track. She plans to attend medical school and pursue a career in oncology. In her free time, Harris enjoys hiking and the arts.

Andrew Prommer
Andrew Prommer is a third-year honors student double majoring in finance and business analytics and information systems. He anticipates pursuing a career as a data analyst.
Hannah Smith
Hannah Smith is a third-year honors student studying English and creative writing who is in the Teacher Education Program. She plans to pursue a career in English education.

Elizabeth Connor
Elizabeth Connor is a first-year honors student from Kansas City studying English and political science on the pre-law track. She has enjoyed Honors Publications so far and hopes to improve her writing skills while meeting other honors students.

Angela Knipper
Angela Knipper is a first-year honors student studying history with a minor in cinema. She hopes to pursue a career in secondary education.

Virginia Simone
Virginia Simone is a second-year creative writing student. She is from San Antonio, Texas, and now lives in Denver, Colorado. Currently an editor’s assistant at University of Iowa Press, she plans to pursue a career in editing after graduation.

Monica Thomas
Monica Thomas is a third-year honors student studying communication with minors in political science and criminology, law, and justice. She will graduate this May and plans to enter a career in political communication or recruiting.