What is this award?
This award recognizes an individual whose moral and administrative support for the Honors Program has especially affected the lives of honors educators and honors students at Iowa.
How is the winner selected?
The Honors Professional Staff select a University of Iowa faculty or staff member to receive this award for their campus support based on efforts made to promote the mission of the University Honors Program.

Rachel Hootman, Admission Counselor
Rachel Hootman completed a B.S. in Global Resource Systems and B.A. in Environmental Studies from Iowa State University (’15). Hootman also holds a M.Sc. in International Development from the University College Dublin (’16).
She currently works in the University of Iowa’s Office of Admissions as an Admission Counselor. For the past three years, she has primarily recruited prospective students in SE Iowa and Central/Southern Illinois. Within the University of Iowa’s campus community, Rachel serves on the Neurodiversity and Autism Spectrum Support Committee, the High School Counselor Advisory Board (HSCAB), and is the Assistant Coordinator for Alumni Seeking Iowa Students (ASIST).
Rachel enjoyed stepping in to lead the Honors application process and serve as the liaison between the Office of Admissions and the Honors Program while our Assistant Director of High Ability Recruitment, Susan Dickinson, was on maternity leave.
Hunter Gott
Information Technology Services
University of Iowa
Office of Admissions
Cindy Roberts
Associate Director, Scholarship Programs, Office of Admissions
Carmen Nugent
Scholarship Coordinator, Office of Admissions

Keri Hornbuckle
Associate Dean
Undergraduate Program, COE
Tom Keegan
Digital Research & Publishing

Steve Duck
Professor & Chair
Andrew Beckett
Assistant Dean
University College
Patricia Folsom
Assistant Provost & Director
Academic Advising Center
Jordan Cohen
Professor, Pharmacy
Vice President for Research & Economic Development
Linda Maxson
Professor, Biology
Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Thomas R. Rocklin
Professor, Psychological & Quantitative Foundations
Vice President for Student Services; Dean of Students

Nicholas Colangelo
Professor, Counseling, Rehabilitation, & Student Development
Director, Belin-Blank International Center for Gifted Education & Talent Development