Powers and duties of the Honors Steering Committee include providing direction on honors education at Iowa, advising on major policies for Honors at Iowa, and serving as representatives of the Honors Program in their departments or units. Meetings usually occur twice each fall and spring semester. The Honors Director prepares the agendas, chairs meetings, and keeps records as the committee finds useful. Any member may offer items for discussion as the Honors Steering Committee sees fit.
Selection of the Honors Steering Committee is to represent major campus constituencies of the Honors Program. It includes the Honors Director, the Honors Associate Director, faculty representatives from all five of the degree-granting undergraduate colleges, as well as a student representative from the Honors at Iowa population. It also includes representatives from the Belin-Blank International Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development and the Office of Admissions. Faculty members serve three-year terms, which are renewable once. Appointment is by the Honors Director after consultation with college deans or their representatives.
Current Committee Members:
Susan Assouline: Director, Belin-Blank Center Sarah Bond: Associate Professor, History; CLAS Margaret Chorazy: Director for Undergraduate Programs, Clinical Assistant Professor, Epidemiology; College of Public Health Gerta Bardhoshi: Associate Professor of Counselor Education and Supervision, School Counseling Program Coordinator, College of Education Tori Forbes: Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry Brent Gage: Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, Admissions Ruth Grossmann: Assistant Professor, College of Nursing Karen Heimer: Professor, Sociology Emily Hill: Assistant Director, Honors Program Kirk Kluver: Director, Admissions Anton Kruger: Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering John Murry: Professor, Marketing Shaun Vecera: Professor, Psychology and Brain Sciences |